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    42 Solutions B.V.
    De Zaale 11
    5612 AJ Eindhoven

    PO Box 80
    5600 AB Eindhoven
    The Netherlands
    Telephone: +31 (0)40 – 239 07 20

    When visiting us, please enter via the reception in the Catalyst building at De Lismortel 31 next to the Twinning Centre. Use this address in your GPS for correct directions.
    If you come by car, you can use the parking garage at Horsten 1 next to the Catalyst building. Parking in the parking garage is a prerequisite to be able to automatically leave the campus afterwards. To gain automatic access to the campus grounds and the parking garage, please send us your license plate number at least 24 hours before your visit. If you’re not registered you have to take a ticket and pay at the parking terminal.

    Would you like to learn more about the activities of Hans van der Veen? Please take a look at hansvdveen.nl or zinvolontwikkelen.nl